Animation Project Vlogs: Grade 8

Post your group project vlogs here. Tell us in less than one minute what your group accomplished. You may include your challenges and your celebrations.

Post the video to your blog and then link to the post where you uploaded your video. This will be your ciket out of class.

Happy Vlogging!!

Create a YouTube Account and upload your videos. Then embed them in your vlog:

About jaclynfre

Recipe adventurer, fast walker, sporadic writer, aunt, sister and daughter
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11 Responses to Animation Project Vlogs: Grade 8

    • Jackie Frens says:

      Hansen and Kevin, Make sure that all of your group members have a chance to contribute to the vlog so that you have a record of what each member has done over the life of this project.

    • Jackie Frens says:

      I’m curious to see what ideas you develop as your group seems like it is really enjoying the brainstorming process. Make sure that each member is making a contribution.

    • Jackie Frens says:

      I’m looking forward to seeing your storyboard and watching how you’ve incorporated the learner profile into your stop motion animation movie. Again, make sure each group member is contributing to the project as it appears that you are enjoying the group time, but may not be as productive as you could be. Use every minute wisely. Nice vlog–very revealing!

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