Riveting questions for captivating interviews

What are some tips for writing good interview questions?

About jaclynfre

Recipe adventurer, fast walker, sporadic writer, aunt, sister and daughter
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11 Responses to Riveting questions for captivating interviews

  1. Kevin A says:

    Don’t ask rude question, e.g. How much money do you get from producing electricity?

  2. Riam says:

    Don’t ask questions that are too personal, e.g. How small is your wage?

  3. Gabriella says:

    1. Make sure you don’t write questions that closed questions (meaning questions that can be answered with either yes or no).
    2. Don’t ask questions that are too personal to them or another person
    3. Anything phrased wrongly could be considered offensive or rude, so confirm with your teacher the the questions you are about to ask are appropriate.

  4. Priska says:

    i would suggest write interesting questions and don’t write yes or no questions if you want to write good interview questions

  5. Min-jeong says:

    Keep your question short and clear

  6. Sherry says:

    When asking questions for an interview, what I would suggest is when listing the questions, you should think about questions that are not usually asked, and questions that focuses on your topic. The questions should not be a yes/no questions, because in the interview we should be looking for a clear explanation, which is not provided by a yes/no question.

  7. Anabelle says:

    I think for writing good interview questions, you need to have the 5W’s ( What, Where, Who, When and Why ) and “How” at the beginning of the question and be clear of what you want to ask. A good example of a good interview question could be “How do you face the challenges of traffic issues?”

  8. Steven says:

    I think the tips that need to be used when interviewing is that questions that is answered in a yes or a no or even answered in a flash, don’t need to be asked, but instead I will make them think deep and getting specific answers. Also the words that will be used during the interview is like how, when, where, why, or who. Moreover, if I don’t use those keywords, I will not get into the main topic, or even the answers are not specific enough regarding to the topic.

  9. Christhalia says:

    Some tips to writing good interview questions would be to avoid asking questions that lead towards a certain answer. Also, do not ask two questions in a single turn because this may get confusing.

  10. Anabelle says:

    A good interview question has to be specific and detailed.

  11. Neville says:

    1. How did the students join activities at school?

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